Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night- another late post, whatever

When I got home from Morganton today, I decided to go for a run to help clear my head and take some of the work out of my system. For the hour that my sneaker's hit the pavement and trail of our local Greenway, my mind was flawless. The air was perfectly crisp, but not freezing, the sky was breathtaking and the run easy. My legs didn't hurt and I started thinking about last night, election night, aka Roommate Scott's Christmas. Let's just say Scott has a "thing" for politics. To be fair, he hails most recently from Asheville and forms this amazing bond with anything that is in anyway cellularly resonant with political events and propaganda. He probably waits in line to vote with the same anticipation most kids have waiting in line for Santa. And I have to admit that this afternoon I overheard him say he "wished everyday was election day." How cute. I heart Roommate Scott and his passion for seeing the following on the TV screen:

As for Election Night Party, we sat in a room full of mixed opinions to watch the poll results roll (or trickle) in. Present were one McCain supporter, two Obama supporters, one girlfriend (I have no idea what she thought about the whole thing), and Daniel Sapp, who did not vote. I will only let D. Sapp's last name speak for itself. When all the precincts closed and CNN decided that the race was unofficially official, we got quiet for a brief moment and listened to supporters out on the street, cheering, screaming and generally causing a raucous. I decided I appreciate the fact that our new president is providing inspiration and hope for an uncountable number of little boys, mothers and families who have felt underrepresented for hundreds of years. I also decided that for the next election I would like a different minority represented: raunchy, foul mouthed female comedians. Therefore my election T-shirt will proudly read: Sarah Silverman for Prez. (picture a white T with purple, silver and red sharpie marker and SS sticking out obtrusively and you're seeing what I meant to create before election night this year).......

Let's see, in other not-news, the past week has been full of plenty of driving, both to Lenior and Morganton, teaching little people how to correctly say "r," and riding bikes in the woods. I am having a blast now, even though racing is officially 'over.' Long days in the leaves, sleeping in and not traveling, and my fair share of generally fun times. Plus more time for studying.....yeah. Steven Trottier (downhiller extremo) and I got to share one of these nice rides down Long Yancey's the other day... the leaves were still poppin, and the weirdness of the NC mountains was, as always, present:

Then I decided that I wanted to take random photos of bunches of things. I like the way this one turned out.

Before I move on and forget to finish my blog for another week.......I want to give a thank you to Mr. Wendover, aka Dan, the president of the cycling team, who happens to have a plethora of talents other than bike riding, racing and presidenting. This includes fixing up his friend's blog with logos from her sponsors so that she can properly appreciate and represent. Thanks DB.

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