Monday, September 28, 2009

The End or a Pause

Back in Tucson....just arrived last night and am full of mixed emotions.
Grateful to be in one spot, not burning fossil fuels as I move around, grateful to have access to healthy, fresh food and a consistent shower/laundry, and grateful for space to move around and stretch out. Oh, and really grateful for consistent internet (it's been 2 weeks since I could check email...silly). While it's good to stop and catch up with myself and to relive the amazing memories I've created over the past 6 months, I'm surprised that I could keep going. I'd need to tweak a few things to go back on the road full-time, mostly having to do with carbon footprint and the like, but I guess being a traveler since birth predisposes me to the nomadic lifestyle.

I suppose that's a good thing, as I'll be leaving in a week to race 24 Hour Nationals in Moab. I haven't exactly heard many positive things about the course, but I'm at least glad that I'll be NOT going at it alone. I switched my registration over to duo, and will thankfully get to do half the number of laps I would otherwise be destined for.
Having said that, I remember the way I felt after last years shindig in Dairyland, and clearly remember saying that I thought duo was "way" harder than solo. This may be true, but at least I won't have to spend a month after dreading my bike and feeling like kitty litter covered poop dipped in dog puke. Sorry for the graphics, but it's so true, so true.
Instead, I'll just feel really poopy for 24 hours, then kind of poopy for a week or half-week, then pretty darn fast again. Better odds, better outcome.


EndlessBikeCo. said...

Good luck at nationals girl! Wish you would travel back this way and stay awhile.... That's just my selfishness talking though.

Lindsay Bayer said...

I hope you kick some ass at the 24 Hour Nationals! You're a rock star rider - just go out, have fun, and everything will come together.

Carney said...

See ya in the desert!

I'll bring the Jack.