Thursday, May 28, 2009


We returned from Italy Tuesday night-----I feel like my entire life right now is packing, unpacking, re-packing and re-unpacking.....building a bike, doing a little laundry, racing, taking a bike apart and starting the packing process again.

Some quick pics from the pond skipping I will post until the writing is complete:::::

What I didn't get to do during the race:::

What I did get to do:::


Between the last 2 and the run, there was about 23.5 hours more of riding, hurting, trying to eat, heat and putting one pedal in front of the next. Monday was the best day of my life and I will re-visit it in my mind again and again making the sea bluer, the gelato sweeter and the friends and locals more and more true to life:::


Betty said...

Hey Rebecca,
It was really pleasure for me to ride with a champion.
I hope to meet you next year in 24h Finale.
All the best!
Carolina Casacuberta, from Barcelona

Sarah K said...

Congrats Rebecca! Great job - it sounds amazing!

Sonya said...

CONGRATS ROCK STAR!!!!!! I miss you! come to Boulder!

Danielle Musto said...

I can't wait to read more about your race. Please describe the gelato in great detail!!!

Nice seeing you again at Mohican and thanks so much for the gel. I will repay you with beer :-)

I'm sure I'll run into you somewhere on the course again this summer. Until then, I hope you have a great summer.

Namrita O'Dea said...

YAAAY!!! I bet that felt SO GOOD! congrats :)